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In order to deal with organized crimes, Special Task Force has been created as a special unit in Criminal Investigation Department, Crime Branch,Odisha vide Home Deptt. Resolution No.PDA-1-15/2011/35914/D&A, dtd.18.08.2011. The unit started functioning w.e.f 22.02.2012. State Government has declared the office of the Superintendent of Police, Special Task Force as a Police Station vide Govt. Notification No.36032-Home-DA1-CRTN2-0015/2012 to be known as Special Task Force Police Station having its jurisdiction as the entire area of the State of Odisha for the purpose of registration, investigation and prosecution of organized crimes
Organizational Chart
Charter of Duties
The followings are the charter of duties of Special Task Force:
1. Act as a Nodal agency in the State for dealing with organized crime.
2. Collection of intelligence pertaining to organized crime.
3. Interaction with Special Task Force of other States and agencies of Govt. of India involved in combating organized crime.
4. Preparation of the periodic review reports and other Special Reports pertaing to organized crime in Odisha.
5. Effective action (Investigation, prosecution, intelligence, collection) against following types of organized crime and criminals.
6. Inter district gangs of organized criminals involved in tender fixing, extortion and related offences.
7. Inter district gangs of robbers.
8. Inter district gangs of Drug peddlers.
9. Inter district gang of kidnappers/abductors for ransom.
10. Gangs involved in illicit supply of Arms, ammunition and explosives to criminal elements.
11. Gangs involved in trade of human organs.
Nature of Cases Reported
Cases relating to organized crimes are being reported in Special Task Force Police Station. The organized crimes include extortion, robbery, dacoity, Arms smuggling, abduction/kidnapping for ransom, illegal trade/transplantation of human organs, Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, adulteration of petroleum products etc.
Since its inception, STF has registered 18 cases in the year 2012, 19 cases in the year 2013, 15 cases in the year 2014 and so far 9 cases during the year 2015.
Destruction of illicit cultivation of cannabis in the State
Illicit cultivation of cannabis in some part of the state has been a growing concern for the law enforcement agencies. Some areas of Deogarh, Sambalpur, Angul, Boudh, Rayagada, Gajapati, Kandhamal, Malkangiri and Nayagarh districts have been badly affected by illicit cultivation of cannabis. In order to combat such menace, every year special drive is being launched for destruction of such cultivation being monitored by Special Task Force. Special Task Force is organizing high level coordination meetings involving officers of Police, Excise, Forest and Revenue Departments, formulating action plan and sensitizing the officers of the above districts every year to combat such menace. Besides, STF personnel are directly involved in destruction of Cannabis. Due to well coordinated effort of STF, large scale destruction of illicit cultivation of cannabis has taken place in the state which is as follows:-
Crop year |
Area affected by Cannabis Cultivation destroyed |
2011-12 |
1575.59 Acres |
2012-13 |
1305 Acres |
2013-14 |
3397.975 Acres |
2014-15 |
3768.176 Acres |
Successful Cases:-
1. On 27.07.2014, a team of STF seized Ganja weighing 201 kgs from the illegal possession of the accused Bijaya Bag(37), S/o.Purna Bag, Vill-Gochhapada, P.S./Dist.Boudh. The accused has been arrested and forwarded to the Hon’ble Court. In this connection STF P.S.Case No.9, dt.27.07.2014, U/s.20(b)(ii)(c) NDPS Act has been registered.
2. On 27.07.2014, a team of STF seized Ganja weighing 235 kgs from the illegal possession of the accused Chakra Bag(58) and Jhantu Bag(50), both son of Lt.Khedu Bag of Village-Gochhapada, P.S./Dist.Boudh. The accused persons have been arrested and forwarded to the Hon’ble Court. In this connection STF P.S.Case No.10, dt.27.07.2014, U/s.20(b)(ii)(c) NDPS Act has been registered.
3. On 12/13.05.2015 night STF detected adulteration of petroleum product at Gandarpur, P.S.Chauliaganj, Cuttack and seized two tankers containing diesel and kerosene which were engaged in adulteration. 18,000ltrs of diesel and 5,210ltrs of kerosene were detected and seized. Three accused persons have been arrested and forwarded. In this connection STF P.S. Case No.3, dt.13.05.2015, U/s.7(1)(ii) E.C.Act has been registered and investigated into.
4. STF arrested five accused persons involved in illegal transplantation of kidney of the victim In this connection STF P.S. Case No.9, dt.13.07.2015, U/s.18/19/20/21 of the Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues Act 1994 has been registered.
5. STF,Bhubaneswar took over one case of illicit transplantation of one of the kidneys of the complt. . The complt. allegation was that one of his kidneys is removed in a deceitful manner and transplanted in the body of the recipient, by the recipient and his family members misrepresenting the donor as his own brother by forging documents. The donor and recipient both belong to Baragarh Town. The kidney transplant was done in the year 2013 in the Apollo Hospital, Bhubaneswar. The case was reported in the month of January-2016. In this case the recipient, his brother, three female members of the recipient have been arrested. Removal of kidney from the donor and transplant in the body of recipient have been proved by medical examination.
6. STF,Bhubaneswar took over one case of unlawful activities of five SIMI Terrorists including a lady. These terrorists were arrested in the month of February 2016 from the rented house at Nala Road,Quereshi Mahala, Rourkela in the district of Sundargarh from whom three country-made pistols, 10 rounds of live ammunitions, mobile phones, SIMI literatures have been recovered from their possessions. The accused persons are SIMI militants who are involved in several unlawful activities, Bank dacoities, bomb blasts in trains, killing two police personnel in Telengana and one in Indore. They have escaped from Khandua jail in the last part of 2013 excluding the lady. They used to threaten the unity, integrity and sovereignty of the nation and also involved in heinous crimes in UP, AP, Maharastra and Telengana state. They have been arrested on 17.02.2016 night and forwarded to Court. They are now in judicial custody.
7. STF took over one case of Unlawful Activities by one of the members of terrorist organization like ALQUIDA in Indian Sub-Continent, was associated with anti-national activities and was in touch with anti-national forces operating in Pakistan and other places having hostility against Indian Sovereign. He was receiving funds from Terrorist organization. He was running a Madrasha under Tangi P.S. of Cuttack District and recruiting some youths from Jharkhand training them to join the terrorist organization. The said accused belongs to Vill-Satabatia of Cuttack District, P.S.Jagatpur who was arrested by Delhi Special Cell and now in judicial custody at Central Jail,Tihar,New Delhi.
8. This case relates to arrest of one Bangladeshi National from Paradeep area on 17.03.2016 PM and forwarded to Court on 18.03.2016AM. The said Bangladeshi National had entered India without any Passport or Visa and had been staying in Paradeep illegally for the last 7 to 8 months. On receipt of credible information STF team conducted raids and arrested him. It is suspected that he was indulging in activities prejudicial to the security of the nation, suspected to be in contact with foreign nationals through his mobile phone. He was detected in prawn culture site of Musadiha, Paradeep. He had no passport or visa or any other document. He is suspected to have involved in the murder of one Coast Guard of Bangladesh in the year 2010. His C/A and real identity are under verification. Deputy Secretary (Consular), Ministry of External Affairs,New Delhi and High Commission for Peoples Republics of Bangladesh in New Delhi have been kept informed.
9.CID, CB, PS Case No.43 dt 23.07.2012 U/S 307/398/ 387/ 506/507/34 IPC r/w Sec.25/27 Arms Act arising out of Jagatpur PS Case No.100 dtd.07.07.2012.
Accd. Persons:
(1) Sk. Ramjan @ Gedu
(2) Sarkit @ Prasant Kr. Sahoo
(3) Sanjay Kumar Das @ Chhotu
(4) Kalu @ Chitta Ranjan Das
(5) Deba @ Saroj Kumar Das
The above accused persons are found guilty and convicted and sentenced to undergo R.I. for 07 years U/s 307/34 IPC and fine of Rs.10,000/-, i/d to undergo further R.I. for one year. Also to undergo R.I. for 03 years U/s 27 Arms Act and fine of Rs.5000/- I/d to undergo further period of R.I. for six months. This case relates to attempted murder on the complainant Shrutikant Dash of Aparna Nagar, Chauliaganj, Cuttack, the owner of licensed IMFL shop located at Jagatpur by firing by the accused persons on demand of DADA BATI. The occurrence took place across the river Mahanadi under Jagatpur PS limit.
10.STF PS Case No.16 dt.13.12.2013 U/S 20(b)(ii)(c) NDPS Act.
Accd. Trinath Gadnaik found guilty U/S 20(b)(ii)(c) NDPS Act. and convicted to undergo R.I. for 12 years and fine of Rs.2.00 Lakh and i/d to undergo further R.I. for 02 years. This case relates to seizure of 1 quintal 78 Kg. 500 Gm of contraband ganja from the exclusive and conscious possession of accused Sri Trinath Gadnaik which was sold in this residential house, which was detected by complt. T.R. Patel,DSP of STF.
11.STF PS Case No.01 dt.06.02.2014 U/S 307/34 IPC/ r/w Sec.25/27 Arms Act arising out of Kamakhya Nagar PS Case No.02 dtd.03.01.2014
Accd. Suresh Panda was found guilty U/S 307 IPC and 25(1)/27(1) Arms Act and sentenced to undergo R.I. for 05 years and fine of Rs.20,000/- for commission of offence U/S 307 IPC and again sentenced to undergo R.I. for 03 years and fine of Rs.10,000/- for commission of offence U/S 25(1) Arms Act and R.I. for 05 years and fine of Rs.10,000/- for commission of offence of U/s 27(1) Arms Act. This case relates to attempted murder on one Jasobanta Parida, an advocate also a BJD worker by supari killer namely Subashis Sahani, Dipak Mahanta, Manas Ranjan Nath, Amiya Ranjan Das, Satyabrata Swain and Suresh Panda after entering into criminal conspiracy out of political rivalry. The case was split up against accused Subasis Sahani and Dipak Mahanta and the case was tried against other 04 accused persons. The Court convicted the accused Suresh Panda as mentioned and acquitted other 03 accused persons.
12.STF PS Case No.03 dt.05.03.2014 U/S 20(b)(ii)(c) NDPS Act.
Accd. Ashok Suna was found guilty U/S 20(b)(ii)(c) NDPS Act and sentenced to undergo R.I. for 10 years and fine of Rs.1.00 Lakh I/d to undergo R.I. for another 02 years. The case relates to seizure of 02 quintal 39 Kg. 500 Gm of contraband ganja from the exclusive and conscious possession of accused Sri Ashok Suna, which was detected while the accused was transporting the same in an Auto Rickshaw bearing Regd. No.OR-27-3047, was detected by STF team led by Inspr. Alaka Rani Panda of STF.
13.STF PS Case No.4 dtd. 22.05.2015 U/S 20(b)(ii)(C) NDPS Act,1985(GR Case No- 52 of 2015).
In this case charge sheet vide C.S.No.11 dt 16.11.2015 u/s. 20(b)(ii)(c) NDPS Act. was submitted against accused Bishnu Charan Thati and Sarat Kumar Sahu keeping investigation open u/s 173 (8) CrPC. for illegal transportation of contraband ganja weighing 75 kg 640 gm in motorcycle. In this case 2nd CS was submitted against accused Pitabas Behera U/S 29 NDPS Act vide CS No- 13 dt 26.11.16 by 2nd IO Inspr K.C.Mohanty of STF, BBSR. The trial of the case was conducted in the Hon’ble court of Addl District and Sessions Judge, cum Spl Judge, Phulbani dist-Kandhamal and the court pronounced judgement on 16.04.2018 has convicted accused Bishnu Charan Thati and Sarat Kumar Sahu each to undergo RI for 12 years and fine of Rs 1,00,000/ in default R.I for 2and 1/2 years for the offence U/S 20 (b0(ii)(c) NDPS Act.