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Recognizing that :
This Citizen Charter seeks to create awareness about the :
Our Constitutional and legal processes have the capacity to evolve strategies to deal with the emerging threats. And you must be vigilant to prevent hijacking of the agenda in this regard by any vested interests, who generally are vociferous and often claim to reflect public opinion.
Duties of Citizen
Being a Social human being, all of us should respect our laws, our Country.
Duty to appear as witness and state truth before police and courts even if it puts you at some inconvenience, Loss of income and Physical risk. If you do not stand by the side of lay today, you and you dear ones can be next victim of that very criminal. If you cannot take risk, you have no moral right to expect others to take risk.
Getting Together to Fight Crime Something may be wrong in your neighbourhood. There's too much violence, or there's an ever-present threat. Perhaps you've seen signs of drug dealing. Maybe a string of robberies has you wondering what's coming next. You're uneasy-even frightened-for yourself and your family. Perhaps nothing violent has happened, but you see warning signs-such as vandalism, abandoned cars, and loitering-that crime and violence may be reaching your locality soon.
You can change things by getting together with neighbours who share your worries. Maybe you can organise a Neighbourhood Watch Group to counter the apprehension of crime entering into your area.
People just like you have cleared drug dealing out of their locality, made parks safe for children, curbed assaults, eliminated rapes and murders, wiped out graffiti and vandalism. Everyone Can Do Something.
It's Too Risky for Me To Get Involved
At times crime may have a strong grip in your neighbourhood-street violence, robbery, drug dealing, burglary. People see the situation as out of hand. Some people are scared that the criminals will take revenge if they act.
In such situations there are at least two ways to counter fear.
First, join together. There is strength in numbers. Most criminals attack victims who are alone-not in groups. And groups can rally and hold vigils to demonstrate their commitment. Second, you can work with the police to set up a system that lets people remain anonymous and still report crimes.
MV Accident:- Your Responsibility